Here's The Issue:
Africa has the resources to become an active participant in the grand scheme of things. The manpower, talents, raw materials, and technical expertise are present. So what's preventing her? Why isn't Africa recognized the way she should?
The challenge is not one, there are multiple factors at play but we choose to zoom in on intellectual competency and skills development
Upcoming Events
Our aim is to impact and conduct strong academic values in young people and to promote academic excellence in schools.
Smart Competition is an annual program happening either in October or November.
Past Event Highlight
Since our first ever competition was held on the 29th of May 2013 till date, one of the key challenges we have seen facing most young Nigerian natives is Mathematics and this is most common in kids and young adults between the ages of 5 – 20. The Young Talent Brain Quest has recorded numbers of testimony from school officials and parents and has also given participating students an experience to look forward to each year.
Ose Young Talent Brain Quest
Targeted at those within the ages of 5 - 20 the Ose Young Talent Brain Quest first edition was held on the 29th of May 2013. The 10th edition was virtual in 2021 with three competing stages held at different dates: 1st stage was held on the 19th of June 2021, 2nd stage was held on the 26th of June 2021, 3rd stage was held on the 10th of July 2021.
Smart Competition
Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the Smart Competition has been a physical event that requires each participating school to attend in person but after the outbreak and also the restrictions of public gatherings by the Nigerian government the first-ever virtual Smart Competition was held on the 4th of June 2020. The first in-person edition was held on the 9th of August 2014.